A prophecy told in your youth dictates that only fang and claw will rend your destiny, so you must be reborn as beast.
The tabletop roleplaying game of adventurers who turn to wolf flesh to fulfill a knotted quest. First appearing in issue two of Worlds Without Master, Wolfspell has been reborn now in print as the liner notes of a trifold album cover and illustrated in glorious proggy/metal fashion by Shel Kahn!
You gather with friends and transmogrify yourselves into wolves and place your destiny in the hands of the dice of Wolf and Blood!
A trifold album jacket that unfolds into 6 square feet of art and game
A download code for various PDF versions optimized for print or screen display
(Please allow 48 hours for this hand-crafted code to show up in your inbox)
No actual record album
A prophecy told in your youth dictates that only fang and claw will rend your destiny, so you must be reborn as beast.
The tabletop roleplaying game of adventurers who turn to wolf flesh to fulfill a knotted quest. First appearing in issue two of Worlds Without Master, Wolfspell has been reborn now in print as the liner notes of a trifold album cover and illustrated in glorious proggy/metal fashion by Shel Kahn!
You gather with friends and transmogrify yourselves into wolves and place your destiny in the hands of the dice of Wolf and Blood!
This PDF-Only Version Includes:
Two full-color versions featuring all of Shel’s art designed for screens and devices
Two black-and-white versions sans the art to go easy on your printer
Seek the Printed Version of Wolfspell Here!
A 40-page PDF including:
"The Shape of the World," a tale of sorcerous rivalry, ancient love and death by Epidiah Ravachol.
"The Spirits of the Forest Apes," another monstrous tale of Kassmamon the Ranger by Dylan Craine.
Illustrations by Dagmara Matuszak, Tina X Filic and Jabari Weathers.
The next installment of Shel Kahn's comic about a community besieged by Wolf Neighbours.
Amazons, a game of adventure and devotion by Vincent Baker.
A miscellany of far off sights and portents.
And full-color cover art by Tawny Fritzinger.
A 42-page PDF including:
- "Because I Clasp the Clouds As Mine," a tale of a shifting identity by Osmond Arnesto.
- "The Hoard of Yengra," a tale of commerce and justice by Epidiah Ravachol.
- Illustrations by Wendy Martin, Vlada Monakhova, and Tiffany Turrill.
- Another installment of Bryant Paul Johnson's comic Oh, the Beating Drum!
- The Dread Geas of Duke Vulku, a game of horror and wonder based on the game Dread by the original author, Epidiah Ravachol.
- A miscellany of delays and distractions for any journey.
- And full-color cover art by Jabari Weathers.