The Super Blood Wolf Moon is almost upon us...

...and in its shadow slinks the Wolfspell Kickstarter.


On January 20th, a confluence of astronomical events will bring about the Super Blood Wolf Moon, a total lunar eclipse and an auspicious moment to launch our Wolfspell Kickstarter for the first tabletop roleplaying game printed on an album cover!

But it is Sunday evening and not prime Kickstarting time. So I need your lupine instincts and your howl. You will receive another reminder like this on the date, but put it in your calendar and keep a keen eye on it as the wolf awaits the hapless deer.



There is much to be done before the Super Blood Wolf Moon. Tell your pack:









Join the Pack

Our adventuring begins long before the Super Blood Moon!

The Wolfspell Kickstarter

"The augurs dictate that only fang and claw will rend your destiny. You will be reborn as beast to fulfill the prophecy."

The Super Blood Wolf Moon is coming and under the shadow of its eclipse the Wolfspell ritual will commence!

The tabletop roleplaying game about adventurers who turn themselves into wolves to fulfill a knotted quest that first appeared in issue two of Worlds Without Master, will be reborn, printed on the inside of a trifold album cover illustrated in glorious metal fashion by Shel Kahn!

This sinewy, no-stretch goal Kickstarter begins late on January 20th, and will run for only two weeks.

Sign up for the mailing list so you won’t miss this!